Rob took Blake to get labs this past week. With each hospital visit, we tell Blake we are going to see some friends. There are so many special connections at Rady’s, between living there for 3 months and being followed by 6 disciplines – we have quite the network of people that love Blake. Without fail we will run into a nurse, respiratory therapist, echo tech or doctor, front desk friend or housekeeping staff that we built relationships with last year.
This visit was no exception, but didn’t anticipate seeing this special friend. We’ve mentioned Carson’s unbelievable story before, and that our two families are forever bonded over our experience in the hospital. Though Carson had a very different diagnosis (ultimately leading to a heart transplant), both of our boys were in the ICU fighting for their lives, and on ECMO at the same time. We lovingly dubbed them “ECMO brothers”. Other families floated in and out of the unit regularly, and yet our two families were residents of the most intense pod for months. They were at one point referred to as “the two sickest kids in the hospital.” Neither had an ordinary sickness, and yet neither proved to be an ordinary kid.
Carson’s mom, Gina, and I would exchange daily updates, hugs and often tears in the hallways. Their futures were so uncertain at the time. And while neither child has an easy road ahead, I wish in those moments we had a crystal ball to see this one… our two boys, smiling and full of life. ?❤️
#forevergrateful #forblake #teamblake #carsonstrong #ecmobrothers