Blake’s birthday is upon us – April 21 – and this year he would be 5 years old. While we are committed to good deeds in his honor throughout the year, we try to plan something meaningful on his birthday, the anniversary of his passing and often on holidays. We have found that doing something intentional on those particularly tough days keeps him present. This year, we plan to donate blood.
Blake received vital blood and platelet transfusions while hospitalized in critical care, and platelets in particular were one of the biggest puzzles. Each time he was admitted, his platelet count was extremely low. We had numerous conversations with the medical team about his platelet counts, and each time everyone left scratching their heads. We are confident there was some correlation to his disease, but sadly we never solved that mystery.
Donating blood is one of the most precious gifts you can give. A decision to donate could save a life, or several if the blood is separated into its components. In honor of Blake’s 5th birthday, we’d love to get 5 people (or more!) to donate during the month of April. Let us know if you’re in!
We also recognize that blood donation isn’t for everyone… perhaps you’d consider a good deed #ForBlake that means something to you.
#gooddeedsforblake #forevergrateful #iloveyousmoochie