About a week ago, a longtime friend of the family reached out to us with an unexpected request. Balboa Yacht Club in Corona Del Mar, of which they are a member, is holding a big annual fundraiser and regatta for Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). Instead of just making a donation, he asked if it would be ok with us if he sponsored the event #ForBlake and shared Blake’s story. We were of course humbled by the idea, and in disbelief of the gesture.
Once I connected with the woman organizing this wonderful event at BYC, we realized just how relevant Blake’s story is to this cause.
Funds raised from the BYC Regatta for CHOC will help the Glass Slipper Guild fund a $2 million pledge toward an innovative and comprehensive Fetal Program in Orange County. This program cares for babies who have congenital conditions requiring assessment, monitoring and treatment planning, and provides counseling for their moms and families.
We are so honored to be connected to this amazing benefit, as we know it will have an immeasurable impact on the many families that find themselves in unthinkable situations – as we did. Thank you to all who continue to support us and keep Blake’s spirit and story alive. Our family is deeply moved by the generosity of our friend and gracious donor for helping spread Blake’s legacy and this beautiful movement of kindness.
Despite the weather, we hope this BYC event is a resounding success.
#forevergrateful #ForBlake #gooddeedsforblake #BYCRegattaforCHOC