Last month, the CEO of one of our outdoor media partners from work read about Blake’s story. It resonated enough that he took the time to personally reach out and wanted to support the cause. His words echoed the sentiments we’ve heard from many others, “The world needs this right now.”
Especially through this uncertain time, the value and importance of human connection is stronger than ever. We are in this together and we will persevere with kindness, positivity and hope. Lessons learned and never forgotten #ForBlake
Thank you to every person bringing light to others during this dark time, and doing so with Blake in your heart. And thank you to Delta Media for donating remnant space.
(You should be home, but…) If you happen to be on the freeway in Southern CA – from LA, San Bernardino to the border – keep your eyes open for the digital billboards… you just might see this.
#forevergrateful #gooddeedsforblake #deltamedia#togetherwearestronger