I would be lying if I told you life was easy or even running smoothly right now. There are pressures and stresses that far surpass anything we’ve ever experienced in our lives coupled with everyday challenges. We are living in world of extremes – so incredibly thankful for Blake, for your support, and to be home as a family, and yet seemingly pushed to our limits each day.
There is a lot to do, to process, to figure out, to schedule, to follow up on… good or bad, we are back to the logistics of real life at the same time we are trying to understand our new normal.
Currently, it’s far from normal. We have a continuous line-up of appointments and are managing a schedule of about a dozen medications. Meds and liquids need to be thickened and given by spoon. We can’t yet offer a bottle or sippy cup, we keep Blake hydrated one spoonful at a time. We’re learning to manage oxygen and responsible for changing the lines on his 24 hour a day infusion.
Right now everything requires thought, or decisions, or adjustments. We just have to figure it out. Nothing yet has become routine or “the way,” but we know that in time we’ll get there. We are looking forward to the day things start to feel normal.
Blake is also a sweet toddler re-learning to walk and how to maintain his balance. He’s curious and wants to explore and we need to be cautious of him around corners, edges and steps. He’s at the stage where he wants to stand on the very edge of the couch, reach out and touch the fan, and put any new object in his mouth. His antics, while frustrating at times, do bring endless smiles, laughs and relief that he’s back to acting his age and being his playful self.
Though amid the chaos, there is also a sense of joy in the simplest form. Hearing our kids laugh and play with each other causes us to stop, smile, take a breath and reflect on how lucky we are. A simple push on the swings and watching the breeze catch Blake’s hair somehow evokes feelings of freedom, victory and pride, a new life and hope that things are going to be ok. Experiences that may have been overlooked are the ones that mean the most.
We are so appreciative of your support through our transition home. Through the ups and downs, it’s comforting to know you care. Please keep Blake in your thoughts and in your hearts. ?❤️
#forblake #teamblake #gooddeedsforblake #forevergrateful