For nearly the last 10 years I have been a proud member of the San Diego Suicide Prevention Council. This ever-expanding group is like an extended family, in the trenches together with an important mission. There is an openness among this group and real, meaningful connections have developed with a commitment to such a sensitive topic. This group has surrounded me through a marriage, two pregnancies and obviously the loss of my own child.
In honor of Blake, (and in addition to the volunteering at Ronald McDonald House) this group has created a Miracle Maker page to help support the CVICU at Rady Children’s Hospital. All in an effort to do #GoodDeedsForBlake, they’ve set up this special fundraising page and set the goal of $2000 by April 19th. As of today, they have reached nearly 60% of this goal. I have tears in my eyes – overwhelmed by the love.
All of these coordinated efforts are really humbling, heart-warming and amazing to watch unfold. The sincerest of thank yous to everyone contributing and making a difference in Blake’s name. To check out the progress or help contribute, please take a look at the SPC’s Good Deeds for Blake page.
#forevergrategul #ForBlake #teamblake