It’s been a month, and the ICU is still our home. We’d like to wake up and this not be real. Having a usual spot in the parking garage, knowing most staff by name and navigating hospital idiosyncrasies is far too comfortable.
For us, the rollercoaster continues. We had two big tests this past week. The first set of results was a huge relief and a much needed win. However, we were also hoping for good news from the second test, and we didn’t get that. We try not to be discouraged about the future and this journey, but remain focused on hope, faith and trust in our vision.
For Blake, this was a steady week of progress. We’ve been weaning off the sedation and ventilator over the last few days in preparation for extubation. Well, Blake is ready! He is AWAKE, moving, and wants that breathing tube out. He has passed all of his breathing tests and extubation is next.
We recognize that we have a long, bumpy road ahead and the process will continue to be intense. We face several challenges, but once we pass this milestone and get off the ventilator, we will be able to hold, snuggle and see the smiles of our sweet baby boy. Every moment will be priceless and cherished.
We’d like to ask that you continue to share in our vision of Blake as a healthy older kid/adult returning to Rady’s with balloons for the nurses, Dr’s and other patients. And please continue to share any acts of kindness or wishes for Blake. It truly is a blessing to read the sentiments and impact he is making in this world.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for the love and support. You are a wonderful source of strength for us. Love to you all.
#forblake #teamblake #gooddeedsforblake #babysteps