Many of you have done such thoughtful and creative good deeds inspired by Blake’s story. For some, doing good things comes easy. For others, good people with huge hearts, finding a good deed might seem difficult. A few people have told us that they try to do nice things regularly, but wonder when is it appropriate to identify it as a good deed #ForBlake?
We might not have the right answer for everyone, but for us there are two scenarios. It’s either a planned and intentional act of kindness/good deed or it’s when you’re unexpectedly presented with a choice and Blake’s story reminds you to do the right/kind thing.
Recently we were at the store and had a nearly full cart of food and other items needed for the week. At the register, the conveyer was overflowing with the groceries of the woman in front of us. Behind us we heard a woman start complaining about how all the lines were too long and it will take her a hour to get home. She was an older lady and only had two or three items in her hands. She paced the lines and was openly expressing her dismay, nearly making a scene. Had she stood patiently in our line, I would have acknowledged her 2-3 items and suggested she jump ahead of us. However, because she was getting huffy, I wanted to teach her a lesson in patience and make her wait like the rest of us. As we started loading our items on the conveyer, she headed back in our direction. That was my Blake moment. I asked “Ma’am, would you like to go ahead of us?” Surprisingly, she didn’t. She wanted to continue complaining and looking for a shorter line. I shrugged my shoulders. I tried.
When loading our groceries in the car we were distracted again by the noise of this woman. This time in the parking lot there was some level of distress. Again, in my head, my thoughts were a sarcastic “good luck lady”. Our car was loaded, Scarlett was buckled in her car seat and we were ready to go. The woman is now in tears. After a deep breath, that again was our Blake moment. Instead of getting in the front seat, I closed the door and started walking toward this lady. Rob jumped out of his side and said, “Stay with Scarlett, I got it.” Off he went following the lady through the parking lot. She couldn’t find her car. Rob walked with her down several isles and finally got her alarm to sound using her keys. It may have taken an extra 10 minutes of our time, but she was so thankful for Rob’s help.
This interaction didn’t cost us any money. It took only a little bit of our time, but it was mostly a test of our own patience. In those moments we were presented with a choice, and in Blake’s honor, we chose to be kind.
Please continue to share your good deeds with us, big or small, as we are lifted by knowing Blake continues to make an impact.
#doitforblake #gooddeedsforblake #teamblake #forevergrateful