Lead With Love

Lead With Love

Leah Davis / January 17, 2021

As the world fights to figure everything out…
I’ll be holding doors for strangers
Letting people cut in front of me in traffic
Saying good morning or greeting a passerby
Keeping babies entertained in grocery lines
Stopping to talk to someone who is lonely
Tipping generously
Being patient with sales clerks
Saying thank you
Practicing gratitude

Why? Because I will not stand idly by and
live in a world where love is invisible

Join me in showing kindness
Understanding more and judging less
Being kind to a stranger
Giving grace to friends who are having a bad day
Being forgiving of yourself – today and every day

BE the change… BE the light…
Start today and never stop

A friend shared this message and I couldn’t help but think of this picture of Blake and Scarlett.

Together (and only together) we make the world better for our children, for the future, for a brighter tomorrow.

Lead with love.
#forevergrateful #ForBlake #gooddeedsforblake #bethechange

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