As the world fights to figure everything out…
I’ll be holding doors for strangers
Letting people cut in front of me in traffic
Saying good morning or greeting a passerby
Keeping babies entertained in grocery lines
Stopping to talk to someone who is lonely
Tipping generously
Being patient with sales clerks
Saying thank you
Practicing gratitude
Why? Because I will not stand idly by and
live in a world where love is invisible
Join me in showing kindness
Understanding more and judging less
Being kind to a stranger
Giving grace to friends who are having a bad day
Being forgiving of yourself – today and every day
BE the change… BE the light…
Start today and never stop
A friend shared this message and I couldn’t help but think of this picture of Blake and Scarlett.
Together (and only together) we make the world better for our children, for the future, for a brighter tomorrow.
Lead with love.
#forevergrateful #ForBlake #gooddeedsforblake #bethechange