This new year we look forward to meeting and introducing our little Rainbow Baby. This special little girl will grow up never having met her extraordinary brother, but knowing him as both a guardian angel and through our family in ways that will shape her life.
The cliché has never been more true in that we are just hoping for a HEALTHY child… and there is also truth in that there is no replacement for our little boy. We had always envisioned having three children – and though this is not the life we imagined, each of the three will always be present for us.
It pains us that we don’t have the opportunity to watch Blake grow up, hit milestones or create new memories – but it is this group, and his amazing legacy of good deeds and spreading kindness that keeps him alive in our hearts. Thank you for continuing to share your support through our journey.
#forevergrateful #ForBlake #iloveyousmoochie