There has been A LOT going on this week, and we haven’t had a minute to collect our thoughts, much less process them. The amount of logistics piled on top of the poor health of our lil guy is just too much.
For now, we wanted to at least share that we made it to Houston. Just getting here was challenging. We needed to be accepted by Texas Children’s, confirm they had a bed in the ICU available, wait on layers of insurance approvals, ensure coordination of transport teams on both ends…it went on and on. At first Texas was going to fly out, but ultimately it was the Rady’s team. We packed our suitcases last week to be ready to go with little notice, but the plans were delayed day after day.
Another concern was who the aircraft could accommodate. We have a 2 year old boy that we are trying to ensure doesn’t get worked up, and sticking him on a plane with a bunch of strangers wasn’t going to cut it. Our team agreed, but Rob and I were adamant that at least one parent needed to fly with him. Apparently some aircraft wouldn’t have enough space to make that happen, or regulations wouldn’t allow it.
Finally we got word Tuesday evening that the Rady’s team would be flying us to Houston Wednesday at 8am and allow one parent. We were relieved. The thought of having a potential crisis in the sky was horrifying – but Rob and I wanted at least one of us to have the opportunity to provide comfort to our child.
We went to sleep that night with extreme anxiety, but awoke feeling good. At 7am Wednesday morning the transport team arrived at our room. We had some tough goodbyes with some of the Rady’s team we’ve grown to know and love, but got our things and headed out.
Blake and I were loaded into an ambulance, escorted to the airport and boarded our plane. It was a long 4 hours and 15 minutes staring at monitors, and with no TV or WiFi to help entertain an antsy Blake, no bathroom and a lot of worry. But our lil man did amazing. His numbers were strong the whole way, he was in good spirits and even took an hour snooze. The CHET (Children’s Hospital Emergency Transport) team was wonderful with him, and with me.
Once we landed, we were met with another ambulance to deliver us to Texas Children’s. The same team that wheeled Blake out of his room in San Diego wheeled him into our current spot on the 10th floor of the Legacy Tower. Love them.
While our bags did not arrive, Rob did make it to Houston late Wednesday evening. Blake, Rob and I are sharing a room in the PICU until we know more of a plan.
We are so grateful for the safe, smooth and uneventful transport, and also the otherworldly level of support from our team at Rady’s. But for now, a new chapter begins.
#forevergrateful #forblake #teamblake