Team Blake,
There’s too much happening and no time to process it, much less communicate it. Blake’s heart function is declining more rapidly than before. We have an emergent intervention tomorrow that is risky but have no other options. The team here has accelerated the transplant evaluation, but we need Blake to remain strong enough to maintain candidacy and also be able to endure the wait time on the transplant list. We will continue to do everything we can for our sweet boy.
I am going to call on you all with our original request from a year and a half ago, as you have helped us see the power of positive energy:
1: We have a vision of Blake returning as a healthy boy and adult handing out balloons to the staff in the ICU as a sign of gratitude and encouragement to patients facing their own medical challenges. Please believe in this vision so we can make it a reality.
2: In an effort to elevate the positive energy around Blake, please honor him by going out of your way to help or do something nice for someone, even a stranger. Big or small, PLEASE share your experience with us on the page FOR BLAKE. It will help inspire others to do the same, lift our spirits and we will tell Blake about the impact he is making in our world.
3: Please keep the prayers, well wishes, support, love and good vibes flowing.
Blake is such a special soul and we are blessed to have him. Our sincerest thank yous for your continued love and support, we know we can get through this together.
#forevergrateful #forblake #teamblake #gooddeedsforblake #webelieveinmiracles #wecandothis