
Eleuthera Lisch / February 16, 2019

On Valentine’s Day, my heart full of the love I am deeply blessed by in my life, I found myself thinking of Leah Rodig Davis my beautiful youngest 2nd cousin who I have not seen since she was a little girl. I have followed the grace and goodness that flow from her (and Rob and her beloved community) here in this space, in awe of the purity of her love for Blake and her call to us all to hold his sweet life forever in our acts of kindness and humanity.

I bought a rose, one for Blake, one for Scarlet, one for Rob, one for Leah and one for all the people in their lives who lift and love them.

I had each wrapped and added a $5 bill to each and went looking for those less likely to be held in tenderness on Valentine’s.

Each of the homeless women I met and offered a rose and hug to graciously accepted and shared tears and story-filling my heart and humbling my soul. Love is in the smallest moments, the tenderest exchanges and least expected places. Love on and on, #ForBlake

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