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When I go running in my neighborhood I never fail to notice an unassuming sticker on an electrical pole that simply reads “Blake.” After passing that sticker, I would always make a point to extend a warm smile or greet the next person I would pass along my route.
My good friend, Leah tragically lost her 2-year-old son, Blake to a rare heart condition he had from birth. Leah and her community created a wonderful campaign known as #GoodDeedsforBlake during Blake’s life and after his passing. Blake’s story and the concept of spreading love to honor a beautiful child touched me deeply. I have grieved and suffered the loss of people in my immediate and extended family. However, the loss of a little boy I never got to meet affected me in an unanticipated way. I became committed to Doing Good Deeds For Blake.
During my last run, the Blake sticker was gone. My first emotion was disappointment. My second emotion was a joyous smile to the next person I saw. I no longer needed a reminder to Do Good Deeds For Blake. Blake and his beautiful message of love lives forever in my heart and continues to make this world a better place with one kind act at a time. #GoodDeedsforBlake
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